



  1. 维克日记用户协议(以下简称“本协议”)由维克日记提供者与维克日记用户(以下简称“用户”或“您”)就维克日记等相关事项所订立的有效合约。您通过网络页面点击确认或以其他方式选择接受本协议的,即表示您与我们已达成本协议并同意接受本协议的全部约定内容。

  2. 本协议有助于您了解我们为您提供的维克日记内容及您使用该服务的权利和义务,请您仔细阅读本协议(特别是以粗体标注的内容)。

  3. 由于互联网高速发展,本协议列明的条款并未必能完整罗列并覆盖您与我们所有权利与义务,现有的约定也不能保证完全符合未来发展的需求。因此,维克日记法律声明、服务规则等内容均为本协议的补充协议,与本协议具有同等法律效力,补充协议未约定的部分以本协议约定为准。如您使用维克日记,视为您同意上述补充协议。

  4. 为了进一步改善用户体验,我们将会持续更新服务,为用户提供版本升级、功能升级、规则升级等服务和内容的更新,本协议也可能会随之更新。我们会以公告或站内信通知等方式(统称“通知”)就协议的更新向您进行提示,更新内容将在前述通知指定日期开始生效。若您不同意变更修改后的协议内容,您有权停止使用相关服务;双方协商一致的,也可另行变更相关服务和对应协议内容。

  5. 维克日记提供者可能根据业务调整发生变更,变更后的维克日记提供者与您共同履行本协议并向您提供服务,维克日记提供者的变更不会影响您本协议项下的权益。

  6. 如您为无民事行为能力人或为限制民事行为能力人,请告知您的监护人,并在您监护人的指导下阅读本协议和使用维克日记。若您是中国大陆以外的用户,您还需同时遵守您所属国家或地区的法律。


  1. 您应遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规及您所属、所居住的国家或地区的法律法规,不得将维克日记用于任何非法目的,也不得以任何非法方式使用维克日记。

  2. 您承诺不得利用维克日记从事以下行为,包括但不限于:

    (1) 发布、传送、传播、储存违反国家法律、危害国家安全统一、社会稳定、公序良俗、社会公德以及侮辱、诽谤、淫秽、暴力的内容;

    (2) 发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的内容;

    (3) 虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人;

    (4) 发表、传送、传播广告信息及垃圾信息;

    (5) 其他违反法律法规、政策及公序良俗或侵犯第三方合法权益的行为。

  3. 您承诺发送或传播的内容应有合法来源,相关内容为您所有或您已获得权利人的授权。

  4. 您不得使用未经授权的插件、外挂或第三方工具对本协议项下的服务进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响。

  5. 您不得对维克日记系统和程序采取反向工程手段进行破解,不得对上述系统和程序(包括但不限于源程序、目标程序、技术文档、服务器数据)进行复制、修改、编译、整合或篡改,不得修改或增减维克日记系统的任何功能。

  6. 如您违反法律法规或本协议、补充协议,相关国家机关或机构、我们、第三方可能会对您提起诉讼、罚款或采取其他制裁措施,您应独立承担相关责任,造成损害的,您应依法予以赔偿。如因此导致我们遭受损失的,您也应当一并赔偿。


  1. 您在维克日记上发表的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)仅表明您个人的立场和观点,并不代表我们的立场或观点。作为内容的发表者,您需自行对所发表的内容负责,如因所发表内容引发的一切纠纷,由您自行承担法律责任。

  2. 用户在维克日记发表的全部原创内容,著作权均归用户本人所有。用户可授权第三方以任何方式使用,不需要得到维克日记的同意。

  3. 第三方若需要转载用户在维克日记上发表的具有著作权的内容,应当联系用户获得授权,或按照用户规定的方式使用该内容。

  4. 如我们发现或收到他人举报您发布的内容违反法律法规或本协议约定的(尤其是违反本协议第三条相关约定的),我们有权进行独立判断并采取技术手段予以删除、屏蔽或断开链接。同时有权视您的行为性质,采取包括但不限于暂停或终止服务,限制、冻结或终止帐号使用,追究法律责任等措施。

  5. 如您发现维克日记中的内容侵犯您的合法权益的(包括但不限于肖像权、著作权等),您可与我们联系,我们会给予您必要的帮助。


  1. 保护用户个人信息和数据安全是我们的一项基本原则。

  2. 您在注册帐号或使用本服务的过程中,可能需要填写一些必要的信息。请保持这些信息的及时更新,以便我们向您提供帮助,或更好地为您提供服务。若国家法律法规有特殊规定的,您需要填写真实的身份信息。若您填写的信息不完整,则无法使用本服务或在使用过程中受到限制。

  3. 一般情况下,您可随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如号码申诉服务)的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其他验证信息。

  4. 我们将运用各种安全技术和程序建立完善的管理制度来保护您的个人信息和数据安全,以免遭受未经授权的访问、使用或披露。

  5. 除以下情形外,我们不会将您的个人信息、数据转移或披露给任何非关联的第三方:

    (1) 相关法律法规或法院、政府机关要求;

    (2) 为完成合并、分立、收购或资产转让而转移;

    (3) 为提供您要求的服务所必需;

    (4) 事先获得您明确的同意或授权。

  6. 我们在中国收集和产生的个人信息和其他服务数据将被储存于中国境内。

  7. 我们将尽力保护您使用本服务产生的数据,并为此采取合理的数据传输、存储、转换等预防保护措施。但是,互联网数据传输、存储、转换均可能存在一定未知且不确定的数据安全风险,该等风险将导致包括但不限于数据丢失、泄露、损坏、无法读取或提取等后果。您确认,您已明确知晓并同意接受该等因互联网引发的风险和后果,并已采取恰当的措施,以便在该等风险发生时将损失降至最低。


  1. 我们及关联公司所有系统及本网站上所有内容,包括但不限于著作、图片、档案、资讯、资料、网站架构、网站画面的安排、网页设计,均由我们或关联公司依法拥有其知识产权,包括但不限于商标权、专利权、著作权、商业秘密等。

  2. 非经我们及关联公司书面同意,任何人不得擅自使用、修改、反向编译、复制、公开传播、改变、散布、发行或公开发表本网站程序或内容。

  3. 尊重知识产权是您应尽的义务,如有违反,您应承担损害赔偿责任。


  1. 由于不可抗力事件导致用户遭受损失的,我们不承担责任。不可抗力事件包括但不限于:

    (1) 自然灾害、如台风、洪水、冰雹;

    (2) 政府行为,如征收、征用;

    (3) 社会异常事件,如罢工、骚乱;

    (4) 计算机病毒或黑客攻击、互联网络、通信线路等原因造成的服务中断。

  2. 您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户行为带来的风险,我们不对任何信息的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对因侵权行为给您造成的损害负责。这些风险包括但不限于:

    (1) 来自他人匿名或冒名的含有威胁、诽谤、令人反感或非法内容的信息;

    (2) 因使用本协议项下的服务,遭受他人误导、欺骗或其他导致或可能导致的任何心理、生理上的伤害以及经济上的损失;

    (3) 其他因网络信息或用户行为引起的风险。

  3. 非我们原因导致用户损失的,我们不承担赔偿责任。除我们与用户就某一具体产品及/或服务另有约定外,我们对本协议、补充协议所承担的违约赔偿责任总额不超过违约服务对应之服务费总额。

  4. 您理解并同意,我们对于与本协议有关或由本协议引起的任何间接的、惩罚性的、特殊的、派生的损失(包括但不限于业务损失、收益损失、利润损失、商誉或其他经济利益的损失),不论是如何产生的,也不论是由对本协议的违约还是由侵权造成的,均不承担责任,即使您已被告知该等损失的可能性。


  1. 为了改善用户体验、完善服务内容,或者为了保证本服务的安全性和功能的一致性,我们可能随时对本服务或相关功能、相关应用软件进行更新、功能强化、升级、修改或转移。

  2. 如因自然灾害, 其他信息服务商故障,相关信息设备和软件检修、维护、故障或者任何不可阻挡因素导致服务中断或终止,不视为我们违约,但我们应尽可能减少该因素对用户的影响。

  3. 如发生下列任何一种情形,我们有权中断或终止向您提供的服务:

    (1) 根据法律规定您应提交真实信息,而您提供的个人资料不真实、或与注册时信息不一致又未能提供合理证明;

    (2) 您违反相关法律法规或本协议、补充协议的约定;

    (3) 按照法律规定或主管部门的要求;

    (4) 我们提前以公告或其他书面方式通知您终止本服务;

    (5) 出于安全的原因或其他必要的情形。

  4. 如您的服务因包括但不限于上述原因被终止,我们可以从服务器上永久地删除您的数据,但法律法规另有规定的除外。服务终止后,我们没有义务向您返还数据。


  1. 本协议之订立、生效、解释、修订、补充、终止、执行与争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律;如法律无相关规定的,参照商业惯例及/或行业惯例

  2. 您因使用维克日记所产生及与维克日记有关的争议,由我们与您协商解决。协商不成时,任何一方均可向被告所在地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。

  3. 本协议任一条款被视为废止、无效或不可执行,该条应视为可分的且并不影响本协议其余条款的有效性及可执行性。

Vic Diary User Agreement

Welcome to Vic Diary! “Vic Diary” is an Internet technology service (including, without limitation, file editing, knowledge management, etc.) provided by VoSoft (Wuhan) Software Technology Co., Ltd. (“we” or “Vic Diary Provider”).

I. Scope and Confirmation of the Agreement

  1. The Vic Diary User Agreement (this “Agreement”) is a valid contract entered into between Vic Diary Provider and Vic Diary user (“User” or “you”) on matters related to Vic Diary. By clicking on the web page or through other means to confirm the acceptance of this Agreement, you shall be deemed to have entered into this Agreement with us and agreed to accept all provisions specified herein.

  2. This Agreement will help you understand the content of Vic Diarys we provide to you and your rights and obligations in using such services. Please read through this Agreement carefully (especially those parts marked in bold).

  3. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the terms set out in this Agreement may not be exhaustive and cover all the rights and obligations of you and us, nor can the existing provisions be guaranteed to be fully in line with the future development. Therefore, the legal statements and service rules of Vic Diary are supplemental to this Agreement and have the same legal effect as this Agreement. Any matters not specified in the supplemental agreement shall be subject to the provisions of this agreement. Your use of Vic Diary shall be deemed that you have agreed to the above supplemental agreement.

  4. In order to further improve the User experience, we will continue to update the services, and provide the User with, among others, version upgrades, function upgrades, rule upgrades. This Agreement may also be updated accordingly. We will notify you of an update to this Agreement by way of announcement or in-site letter notice (collectively, the “Notice”), which will take effect on the date specified in the above Notice. If you disagree with the contents of the amended version of this Agreement, you have the right to stop using the relevant services. Upon mutual agreement of both parties, the relevant services and the corresponding provisions thereof may be revised separately.

  5. Vic Diary Provider may change according to the business adjustment, the new Vic Diary Provider shall perform this Agreement along with you and provide services to you. The change of Vic Diary Provider shall not affect your rights and interests under this Agreement.

  6. If you are a person without capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct, please inform your guardian, and please read this Agreement and use Vic Diary under the guidance of your guardian. If you are a User outside Mainland China, you must also comply with the laws of the country or region where you reside.

II. User’s Commitment to legally Use Vic Diary

  1. You shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and the laws and regulations of your country or region where you reside, and shall not use Vic Diary for any illegal purpose or in any illegal manner.

  2. You undertake not to use Vic Diary to conduct any of the following activities, including, without limitation:

    (1) publishing, transmitting, disseminating or storing any content that violates the national laws, endangers the national security and unity, social stability, public order and good customs, or social morality, or contains insulting, defamatory, obscene or violent elements;

    (2) publishing, transmitting, disseminating or storing any content that infringes on the legitimate rights of others, such as reputation right, portrait right, intellectual property right and trade secret, etc.;

    (3) fabricating facts or concealing the truth in order to mislead and deceive others;

    (4) publishing, transmitting or disseminating advertising information and junk information;

    (5) other behaviors that violate laws, regulations, policies, public order and good customs or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the third parties.

  3. You undertakethat the content you send or disseminate shall have a lawful source and that the relevant content shall be owned by you or have been authorized by the right holder.

  4. You shall not use unauthorized plug-ins, tag-on services or third-party tools to interfere with, disrupt, modify or otherwise influence the services provided under this Agreement.

  5. You shall not reverse engineer the system and program of Vic Diary, shall not reproduce, modify, compile, integrate or alter the above system and program (including, without limitation, source program, target program, technical documents, server data), and shall not modify any functions of Vic Diary system or make additions or reductions thereto.

  6. If you violate laws or regulations or this Agreement or any supplemental agreements hereto, the relevant state authorities or agencies, we, or the third parties may file lawsuit, impose a fine or take other sanction measures against you, and you shall be solely responsible for the foregoing. If any damage is caused, you shall make compensation according to law. If we suffer any losses as a result, you shall also compensate us for such losses.

III. Rules on Contents

  1. The contents you publish on Vic Diary (including but not limited to webpages, words, pictures, audio, video and charts) only represent your personal positions and opinions rather than our positions or opinions. You, as a publisher of the contents, shall be responsible for the contents you publish, and you shall assume legal responsibility for any and all the disputes arising out of the contents you publish.

  2. The copyright of all original contents published by the User on Vic Diary belongs to the User. The User may authorize any third party to use the contents in any means without consent of Vic Diary.

  3. If any third party intends to reprint the copyrighted contents published by the Users in Vic Diary, the third party shall obtain authorization from the relevant User or use the contents in the way specified by the relevant User.

  4. If we discover or receive other’s report that the contents you published violate any laws and regulations or this Agreement (in particular, the relevant provisions of Clause 3 hereof), we have the right to make independent judgment and adopt technical measures to delete, block or disconnect such contents. Meanwhile, we have the right to adopt the relevant measures, including but not limited to suspending or terminating services, restricting, freezing or terminating accounts and requiring you to assume legal liabilities, based on the nature of your behaviors.

  5. If you discover that any contents of Vic Diary infringe your legitimate rights and interests (including but not limited to portrait rights and copyrights), you may contact us and we will render you the necessary assistance.

IV. User’s Personal Information Protection and Data Security

  1. It is one of our basic principles to protect the User’s personal information and data security.

  2. While registering the account or using the service, you may need to provide certain necessary information. Please timely update such information so that we may render you with assistance or better services. You need to provide your authentic identity information if specially provided for by state laws and regulations. If the information provided by you is incomplete, you may not be able to use the services or your use of the services may be limited.

  3. Generally, you may browse or amend the information submitted by you at any time; however, you may not be able to amend the initial registration information provided at the time of registration and other verification information due to security and identification concerns (e,g, for number claim service).

  4. We will adopt various security technologies and procedures to establish a proper management to keep your personal information and data safe and secure and protect it from unauthorized visit, use or disclosure.

  5. We will not transfer or disclose your personal information and data to any non-affiliated third party except:

    (1) if so required by applicable laws and regulations or courts and governmental authorities;

    (2) if it must be transferred due to merger, division, acquisition or asset transfer;

    (3) if it is so required to provide you with the service requested by you;

    (4) if we have obtained your explicit consent or authorization.

  6. Personal information and other service data we collect and produce in the People’s Republic of China will be stored within the People’s Republic of China.

  7. We will try our best to protect the data generated by you by using the service and take reasonable data transmission, storage, conversion and other preventive protection measures for this purpose. However, there are some unknown and uncertain data security risks involved in internet data transmission, storage and conversion, which may lead to consequences, including but not limited to data loss, leakage, damage, unavailability or failure in extraction. You confirm that you have clearly understood and agreed to accept such risks and consequences caused by internet and adopt appropriate measures to minimize such losses, when such risks occur.

V. Statement on Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights and trade secrets, to all systems of us and our affiliates and all the contents on this website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure, arrangement of website view and webpage design, are owned by us or our affiliates in accordance with law.

  2. No one may use, amend, decompile, copy, publicly disseminate, change, distribute, issue or publish the program or contents of the website.

  3. It is your obligation to respect the intellectual property rights, and, in case of any breach, you shall be liable for compensating the damages.

VI. Force Majeure and Other Disclaimers

  1. We are not liable for damage to or losses of the User caused by events of force majeure, including but not limited to:

    (1) natural disasters, such as typhoons, floods, hailstorms;

    (2) acts of the government, such as expropriation and requisition;

    (3) social anomalies, such as strikes and riots;

    (4) disruption of services caused by such reasons as computer viruses or hacking, internet or communication lines.

  2. You understand and agree that you may encounter risks caused by network information or other Users while using the service and we are liable neither for the authenticity, applicability and legality of any information nor for damage to or losses of you caused by any infringement. Such risks include without limitation to:

    (1) information provided by others, which is anonymous or false and contains threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal contents;

    (2) being misled or deceived by others or any psychological or physical harm and economic loss caused or likely to be caused, arising from the use of the services hereunder;

    (3) other risks arising from network information or User’s behaviors.

  3. We are not liable to indemnify damage to or losses of the Users caused by reasons not attributable to us. Unless otherwise agreed between a User and us with regard to a particular product and/or service, our aggregate liability for breaching this Agreement and the supplemental agreements hereto shall not exceed the total amount of service fees corresponding to such service in relation to the breach.

  4. You understand and agree that we are not liable for any indirect, punitive, special and incidental damage or losses (including but not limited to losses of business, interests, profits, goodwill and other economic benefits) arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, regardless of how it arises, whether by breach of this Agreement or by tort, even if you and us have been advised of the possibility of such damage and losses.

VII. Change, Interruption and Termination of the Service

  1. For the purpose of improving the User’s experience and the content of the service, or ensuring the security of the service and the consistency in service functions, we may update, enhance, modify or transfer the service or related functions, related applications and software at any time.

  2. If the service is interrupted or terminated as a result of natural disaster, failure of another Information service provider, repair, maintenance or failure of the relevant information equipment and software, or any inevitable event, we shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement, but we shall try our best to minimize the impact of such events on the Users.

  3. We have the right to discontinue or terminate the service provided to you if any of the following events occurs:

    (1) You fail to provide authentic personal information as required by laws and regulations, or you fail to provide reasonable supporting materials while you have submitted personal information that is inconsistent with what you provided at the time of registration;

    (2) you violate applicable laws and regulations or this Agreement or the supplemental agreement;

    (3) we are required to do so by laws and regulations or competent authorities;

    (4) we have notified you of the termination of the service in advance by public announcement or otherwise in writing;

    (5) we are required to do so due to security reasons or as otherwise necessary.

  4. If your service is terminated due to reasons including but not limited to any of the above events, we may permanently delete your data from the server unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. We are not obligated to return the data to you after the termination of the service.

VIII. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Miscelleneous

  1. The formation, entry into force, interpretation, amendment, supplement, termination, enforcement and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and in the absence of relevant provisions of the law, reference shall be made to commercial and/or industrial practices.

  2. Disputes arising out of your use of Vic Diary and in connection with Vic Diary shall be resolved through negotiations between you and us. If no agreement may be reached through such negotiations, either party may bring an action before the people's court of jurisdiction in which the defendant is located.

  3. Any provision of this Agreement deemed to be revoked, invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed to be severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.